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King Steroids

Crown Primobolen 150

Crown Primobolen 150

Regular price £55.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £55.00 GBP
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Primobolan is an injectable steroid known as methenolone enanthate. It’s a popular steroid for weight cutting, featuring mild anabolic properties.

While available in oral form, injectable Primobolan is more powerful, providing more noticeable effects when injected.

What does Crown Primobolan 150 do?

Primobolan is a derived from the dihydrotestosterone (DHT) hormone, so has a similar effect to the hormone. One key advantage of Primobolan is that it’s not an aromatizing hormone, making it great for weight cuts with minimal water retention.

Another notable effect of Primobolan is that it encourages high nitrogen retention, allowing you to retain muscle mass while cutting weight. Its ability to retain muscle mass while cutting weight is the main attraction of using Primobolan,

Low anabolic rating means you won’t get any gains from the steroid – it’s just used for weight cutting cycles.

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