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King Steroids

Crown Sustanon 300

Crown Sustanon 300

Regular price £50.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £50.00 GBP
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Sustanon is a powerful combination of testosterone esters in a single steroid solution. This blend of testosterone includes both fast and slow acting esters, making Sustanon a great choice of steroid for bulking cycles.

How does Sustanon Work?

Sustanon features a blend of four testosterone esters – testosterone propionate, testosterone phenylpropionate, testosterone isocaproate, and testosterone decanoate.

The steroid offers a range of benefits, including protein synthesis and nitrogen retention. Protein synthesis greatly boosts muscle growth and repair, while nitrogen retention helps maintain peak anabolic state for improved muscle growth and maintenance.

Sustanon is also regarded for its performance enhancing properties. By increasing testosterone levels early into the cycle, the steroid increases muscle endurance and recovery. This means you can train your muscles like never before, increasing both the intensity and frequency of workouts.


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